As per clause 16.4b of the Little Athletics NSW Constitution, we seeking nominations from interested and suitable qualified individuals to fill three (3) Elected Director positions that will become available at the AGM (Annual General Meeting), to be held in July 2022.
Nominations must be endorsed by an affiliated Little Athletics Centre and signed by two (2) members of the committee of the Centres, together with the nominee to certify their willingness to accept the nomination.
The nomination form allows the nominee to outline their experience and skills set, in particular how they align with what is desired and a CV is requested to be included.
In addition to this please find below links to the Call for Motions at the AGM and Call for Discussion Items to be considered for the Conference.
Call for Nominations – Elected Directors
Call for Motions – AGM
Call for Discussion Items
Call for Nominations forms are required to be received by post by 5pm, Monday 6 June 2022, while Calls for Motions and Discussion Items may be returned by post or as a scanned document from the email address of an elected 2022/23 Centre Delegate by the same date, or a Zone Coordinator in the case of a Discussion Item.