Last month, Eschol Park Little Athletics Centre attended and participated in an annual local community event in Campbelltown called “The Fishers Ghost Parade”. The South West Met Centre joined over 40 other groups in the parade, giving the club, who already has 210 members, an amazing opportunity to talk to locals and share with them what Little Athletics is all about!
It was a fantastic opportunity for parents and children to interact with each other and with the local community. Centre volunteers, parents and athletes also managed to take home $200 in prize money for their centre having been awarded “Best Themed Sporting Team” for their Jellyfish costumes in support of the “Light and Life under the Sea” theme.
Dedicated volunteer Amelia explained jellyfish was a perfect fit for Eschol Park Little Athletics Centre.
“They are explosive in their movements, active, and are all beautiful and unique – much like like our athletes!” she said.
Congratulations Eschol Park Little Athletics Centre for getting out and being involved with your local community!
If you’ve got a fantastic update from your centre and you’d like to be featured, we’d love to hear it! Please send it through to
Article: Chantelle Hawat
Image: Eschol Park Little Athletic Centre