Latest Updates
8th NOVEMBER 2021
Thank you to everyone for all your hard work preparing your Centres for the season, especially in the current ever-changing environment.
The Public Health (COVID-19 General) Amendment Order (No 8) 2021 was published Friday afternoon, outlining changes to the rules which will come into effect from today. Amendments relating to the sport and recreation sector that may impact your Centre are detailed below. These amendments only apply to fully vaccinated adults, children under 16 years of age, and people with an approved medical contraindication certificate. Those who are not fully vaccinated must still abide by pre-roadmap restrictions until the State reaches the 95 per cent double vaccination target, or 15 December, whichever happens first.
Outdoor Gatherings (including community sport) Clause 2.12 has been amended to permit the following:
An outdoor public gathering of up to 1,000 people, provided there is space to accommodate 1 person per 2 square metres.
• An outdoor public gathering does not require a COVID-19 Safety Plan and the associated requirements including QR Code check in and the checking of vaccination status. It becomes the responsibility of the individual to ensure they are compliant to attend your Centre.
• As noted above, only fully vaccinated adults, children under 16 years of age, and people with an approved medical contraindication certificate are permitted to attend.
A COVID-19 safe outdoor public gathering, which exceeds 1,000 however operates with a maximum capacity of 1 person per 2 square metres.
• A COVID-19 safe outdoor public gathering requires the Centre to have and implement an Outdoor events COVID-19 Safety Plan.
• There is no upper limit to capacity beyond the 1 person per 2 square metres.
• As noted above, only fully vaccinated adults, children under 16 years of age, and people with an approved medical contraindication certificate are permitted to attend.
Please note: for outdoor gatherings under and over 1,000 people, it is a requirement for masks to be worn in indoor settings at your venues including canteens, change rooms and club houses.
5th November 2021
This week the NSW Government announced there has been a change to the dates in the road map for those that are not fully vaccinated. Current restrictions will remain in place until the State reaches the 95 per cent double vaccination target, or 15 December, whichever happens first.
Therefore, Centres will be unable to accept anyone 16+ attending if they have not received the double vaccination or have a medical exemption until the State reaches the 95 per cent double vaccination target, or 15 December, whichever happens first.
Major Sponsor
REMINDER – Local Sport Grant Program
The Office of Sports has announced the $4.6 million Local Sport Grant Program is available to eligible organisations to help support initiatives in local NSW communities which would be suitable for Little Athletics Centres in NSW to apply for.
The program will help support projects that:
• Increase regular and on-going participation in sport
• Increase participation and access for women, girls & population groups with low participation rates
• Address barriers to participation in sport or structured physical activity
• Assist sporting clubs in provide quality service to their members and the local community
Grants between $500 – $15,000 are available to eligible organisations. The amount organisations request should reflect the scale of the project/s.
For more information on eligibility, assessment process, visit the Office of Sport website now and, if eligible, submit an application before 1pm, 19 November.
The Sport and Recreation Recovery and Community Rebuild Package
In late October it was announced the sport and recreation sector would receive a $25 million funding boost as part of the COVID 19 Economic Recovery Strategy, to support the return of community sport as restrictions ease. This included up to $12.5 million for grants of up to $1,000 to eligible clubs and associations.
We await further information from the Office of Sport regarding the process of how Centres apply for this funding and more information will be provided once available.
20th October 2021
Overnight the NSW Government has released the Public Health (COVID-19 General) Amendment Order (No 3) 2021. This amendment relates to outdoor community sport and recreation activities. The amendment outlines the following changes to the maximum gathering size for outdoor community sport gatherings:
• Clause 2.12 (1) (b1) enables a COVID-19 safe outdoor public gathering for a community sporting activity to be the lesser of 1,000 persons or 1 person per 2 square metres.
• All people attending the gathering must be:
o Fully vaccinated; or
o under 16 years of age; or
o have been issued with a medical contraindication certificate compliant with the Order
• The activity organiser must have a ‘community sport’ COVID-19 Safety Plan. Please note the Office understands this is a new category of plan which will be uploaded in the NSW Government COVID-19 Safety Plan webpage.
The Office of Sport has clarified with NSW Health that outdoor community sport gatherings includes training and competition activities, and outdoor active recreation activities.
Little Athletics Centres across NSW can now commence with up to 1,000 with a Community Sport COVID Safe Plan. The cap of 1,000 includes all people in attendance whether they be participants, parents, administrators, volunteers and spectators, and they must be fully vaccinated, under the age of 16 or have a medical exemption. This amendment acknowledges the need for a larger gathering size to enable some community sport activities to recommence, while taking into account the significant number of children that participate in community sport and are not yet fully vaccinated. It is anticipated this gathering limit will remain in place until at least 1 December 2021. New COVID-19 Safety Plan for outdoor community sport In line with the amendment, the Office has been advised a new COVID-19 Safety Plan for outdoor community sport will be released. This plan will reflect the outdoor gathering size being changed to 1,000 persons or 1 per 2 square metres, and will also have language which better reflects the nature of community sport, including the role of volunteers. The plan is available via the NSW Government COVID-19 Safety Plan webpage and the Office of Sport will make a link available on its COVID-19 webpage once published.
The Office of Sport is currently working with the Department of Customer Service to develop some resources to assist community sport organisation with implementing the COVID-19 Safety Plan requirements. Whilst these are in development, organisations are encouraged to access the range of COVID-19 business resources:
We will circulate further information regarding this when available.
Local Sport Grant Program
The Office of Sports has announced the $4.6 million Local Sport Grant Program is available to eligible organisations to help support initiatives in local NSW communities which would be suitable for Little Athletics Centres in NSW to apply for.
The program will help support projects that:
• Increase regular and on-going participation in sport
• Increase participation and access for women, girls & population groups with low participation rates
• Address barriers to participation in sport or structured physical activity
• Assist sporting clubs in provide quality service to their members and the local community
Grants between $500 – $15,000 are available to eligible organisations. The amount organisations request should reflect the scale of the project/s.
For more information on eligibility, assessment process, visit the Office of Sport website now and, if eligible, submit an application before 1pm, 19 November.
8th October 2021
Yesterday the NSW Government made announcements to change the 70% roadmap with the below released as part of their statement:
NSW will take its first steps towards reopening as the State passes the 70% double vaccination target.
With the first vaccination milestone being reached, the NSW Government is also easing a number of restrictions as part of the Reopening NSW roadmap, which will allow fully vaccinated adults (16+) to enjoy more freedoms from next Monday, October 11.
The changes to the 70% roadmap will allow up to 10 visitors (not counting children 12 and under) to a home (previously five), lift the cap on outdoor gatherings to 30 people (previously 20), and increase the cap for weddings and funerals to 100 people (previously 50).
CLICK HERE for full release.
The NSW Government has now published the Public Health Order and accompanying Amendment to the Public Health Order which outlines restrictions in place from Monday, 11 October 2021 – the first Monday after the state reaches the 70 per cent double vaccination milestone.
Little Athletics NSW has been in contact with the Office of Sport and Sport NSW over the past two days to confirm if there would be any increase to training numbers for community sport to align with the increase in the cap for outdoor gatherings.
We can now confirm:
Sport training, exercise and recreation activities may occur outdoors, in compliance with the following;
a) The occupier of an outdoor premises must ensure the number of persons does not exceed more than 1 person per 2 square metres of space.
b) A person must not participate in an outdoor public gathering for sport or exercise at which there are more than 20 people. (Note: There has been no amendment to this clause – it has NOT increased to 30 persons).
This number includes participants, coaches, support staff and spectators/parents. Organisations are expected to have a COVID-19 Safety Plan in place.
We do remind all Centres:
• The 20 person limit is inclusive of all attendees including participants, coaches, support staff and spectators/parents.
• The 20 person limit includes all children and adults. No group can exceed the total of 20.
• Only training is permitted at this point in time.
• For participants to be covered by insurance they must be registered with your Little Athletics Centre.
• Attending training is only allowed for those are double vaccinated if aged 16+ (unless they have a valid medical exemption – medical certificate required)
The Little Athletics NSW Board understands that many Centres will require additional assistance during this time and have created a Hardship Fund to support Little Athletics Centres across NSW who are in need, whether it be a result of COVID, fires, floods, smoke and other challenges in recent seasons.
Centres who do find themselves in hardship can apply for support of up to $1,500 to assist with ongoing costs associated with running your Centre.
More information, the criteria, application form and the available pool of funds can be found HERE.
6th October 2021
Following the announcement from the NSW Government that community sport would be permitted once the state reaches the level of 80% of the eligible adult population (16+) being fully vaccinated against COVID, Little Athletics NSW continues to prepare for the return of Centre competitions.
CLICK HERE for the latest Road Map from the NSW Government.
In addition to this, we have also received advice from the Office of Sport regarding what will be allowed from the Monday after the 70% of the eligible adult population (16+) being fully vaccinated.
Following consultation with NSW Health, the Office of Sport can provide the initial advice below to support the sport and recreation sector as it prepares to recommence activities for those that are fully vaccinated (16+).
Maximum number of persons — outdoor sport or exercise
- Clause 2.13 of the Public Health Order states that people can undertake sport and exercise at outdoor public gatherings in groups of up to 20. This figure includes participants, coaches and support staff and spectators/parents.
- This will enable community sport training activities that are compliant with the Public Health Order to take place.
- Organisations are expected to have a COVID-19 Safety Plan in place.
Unfortunately, the level of detail in relation to community sports still doesn’t allow us to answer many of your questions however this does provide some additional clarity and the option to return to training in small groups for those 16+ who are vaccinated and those under 16.
What we still don’t have clear information regarding is whether there will be capped numbers, if there are any specific requirements which will need to be added to your COVID Safety Plans, and how vaccination status of participants, volunteers and spectators will be checked, recorded and monitored by volunteer committees and organisers.
In terms of advice regarding proof of vaccinations the below link may be of assistance:
Proof of COVID-19 vaccination advice for businesses | NSW Government
Please note:
- Training in groups of up to 20 individuals is for “organised training” only and does not allow competitions to commence in small groups.
- For participants to be covered by insurance they must be registered with your Little Athletics Centre.
- For council managed venues we suggest individual Centres ensure they don’t have restrictions in place that would not allow training to take place.
27th September 2021
The NSW Government announced this morning community sport will recommence when the 80 per cent double vaccination target has been met.
From the Monday after NSW hits the 80 per cent (aged 16 and over) double dose vaccination target, eased restrictions will allow those who are fully vaccinated to have up to 10 people visit their home, participate in community sport, and access hospitality venues (where drinking while standing up will be allowed indoors). All premises will operate at 1 person per 4sqm indoors, and 1 person per 2sqm outdoors.
Read More
16 September 2021
Whilst there is limited information from the NSW Government regarding the return for community sport and what the path looks like, we remain positive and optimistic regarding the upcoming season and expect more information to be available soon.
Upon seeking clarification, Sport NSW has advised that at this point in time no organised community sport can take place in any area of NSW in terms of training or competitions, even in small groups, and we ask our members to comply with this directive.
A Road Map for what freedoms there may be when certain vaccination rates are achieved was released last week stating, “When NSW hits the 80 per cent double dose target, the government intends to open up further freedoms around international travel, community sport, major events and other areas.” With 80% on target and currently forecasted to be achieved by mid-November this gives us an indication that we will be able to commence our weekly competitions later in the year.