Little Athletics NSW has its own app that has been created specifically to inform and support coaches, officials, age managers, and parents. It is 100% FREE to join.
To get the full features of the App, you will need to download Stack Team App onto your phone, tablet or other abled device.
To get the full features of this app please go to the App Store or Google Play and download Stack Team App onto your mobile device, then follow these simple steps:
Sign-up to Stack Team App. You’ll be sent an email to activate your account.
Log-in and search for “Little Athletics NSW Education”, then request to become a member. You can request access to the group(s) that apply to you OR you can simply sign up for public access.
If you don’t have a smartphone or tablet, or would rather not download the app, contact Darren Wensor via email at to request to be added manually and you will receive email notifications when something is posted.
You can also check out the website linked to the app at:
For more information, contact Darren Wensor – Little Athletics NSW Head of Coach & Volunteer Development – via email