State Affiliate Websites

Historical Awards

This page details awards prior to the 2020/21 season.


Centre Awards

Each year at the Little Athletics NSW Conference in July, a number centres are presented with awards, in recognition of achievements during the previous season. The awards available each year to centres are:-

Centre Volunteer Administration Awards

The Centre Volunteer Administration Awards aim to recognise centres that demonstrate good volunteer management and administrative practices and achievements. All centres are automatically entered into consideration for the awards and are then awarded points based upon their operational efficiency, as well as for volunteer support/initiatives undertaken within the specified period (April 1 – March 30 each year). Awards are issued to all centres that receive more than the required number of points in gold, silver and bronze categories.


The centre with the highest overall points also becomes the recipient of the Centre Volunteer Award. Centres have to do nothing more than display attendance, efficiency and support for volunteers.


Click HERE to view the points allocation table.

Centre Registration Increase Awards

To recognise centres who are driving and exhibiting growth, two Registration Increase Awards are presented each year. The first is the Centre Registration Increase Award – Athlete Retention, for the centre with the highest percentage of re-registrations. The second is the Centre Registration Award – Athlete Increase, for the centre with the largest percentage increase of athletes.

SportsTG Centre Innovation and Technology Award

A SportsTG Centre Innovation and Technology Award is presented each year to a centre that embraces technology and change and utilises various forms of technology to advance the profile and operations of the centre. The winner of this award receives a cheque for $500 from our database and website provider, Sports Technology Group.



Individual Awards

Life Membership

The board may recommend Life Membership to the Annual General Meeting for a person who has rendered distinguished service to Little Athletics, where such service is deemed to have assisted the advancement of Little Athletics in NSW. Life Membership nominations should generally include, but not necessarily be limited to the following minimum service criteria:-

  • Highly meritorious Little Athletics NSW service of at least twelve (12) years and
  • At least six (6) years service in an administrative capacity at zone and/or region and/or state level, that has positively contributed to the betterment of Little Athletics NSW. NB: These two periods may be served concurrently.
  • It is highly desirous that the nominee has had an active involvement in the administration of an affiliated centre.

A nomination for Life Membership will be successful if the nominee receives a three-quarters majority of the votes cast by eligible voting members at the Annual General Meeting in July.


Click HERE to view the Administrative Requirements for Service Awards.

Merit Award

The board may grant a Merit Award to any individual who has rendered distinguished and lengthy service with a positive contribution to the betterment of Little Athletics. Merit Award nominations should generally include, but not necessarily be limited to the following minimum criteria:-

  • A minimum of six years distinguished service to Little Athletics through an active involvement in the running of an affiliated centre and either
  • A minimum of eight years active service as a senior official at Little Athletics NSW carnivals (zone, region and state).
  • It is highly desirous that the nominee be involved in the education, training and/or mentoring of other officials, and/or have provided service of an exemplary nature, or
  • An equivalent length and range of support to Little Athletics NSW through its committees and other activities.

Nominations can be submitted to the board, by a centre, a zone coordinator, or a director. The nomination must set out the service history of the nominee in Little Athletics, together with supportive reasons for a Merit Award being bestowed.


The award is presented at the Annual General Meeting or Annual Conference in July.


Click HERE to view the Administrative Requirements for Service Awards.


Nominations must be received at the LANSW office on or before 30 June each year.

Volunteer of the Year

The Volunteer of The Year Award recognises the extraordinary contribution of our volunteers, upon which our sport is so reliant. A winner and a runner-up are acknowledged in both a male and female category, with these awards presented at the Annual Conference in July.


Nominations must be made by a Little Athletics centre and passed by the executive of that centre. To be eligible for the award, volunteers must: –

  • be a member of a Little Athletics centre (e.g. committee member, financial member or parent)
  • have been undertaking a role within the Little Athletics centre for at least five (5) years
  • not have received any financial gain from their involvement with Little Athletics

Click HERE for the nomination form.

Coach of the Year

The Australian Track & Field Coaches Association (NSW Branch) Little Athletics Coach of the Year Award aims to promote, encourage and reward quality Little Athletics coaching. This annual award is presented at the State Track & Field championships each year, to an ATFCA (Australian Track & Field Coaches Association) member whose coaching highlights the values and philosophies of Little Athletics and junior sport in general.


Coach nominations may be received from athletes, parents of athletes, Little Athletics centres or other appropriate individuals and must meet the following criteria:-

  • Have been actively coaching Little Athletics members;
  • Have held a current Level 1 Community Athletics Coach Accreditation or higher;
  • Have been a financial member of the ATFCA – NSW Branch (see Click HERE for further details about ATFCA)

The judging panel will consider the coaches: contribution to Little Athletics; coaching effectiveness; personal development; leadership; and other special qualities.


Nominations close at the end of February each year and the award is presented at the State Track & Field Championships.

Zone Coordinator of the Year

The Zone Coordinator of the Year Award recognises a zone coordinator who has not only met the expectations outlined in the criteria of the role, but who has made a notable contribution to Little Athletics NSW and the centres in their zone, through their role as zone coordinator. Zone coordinators who have been in the role for a minimum of two years will automatically be considered for this award, upon successfully meeting a number of compulsory criteria (e.g. provision of all necessary forms and reports, attendance at required meetings). Once eligible for the award, zone coordinators then receive a score for all additional activities, which is used to determine the overall award recipient.

The award is presented at the Annual Conference in July each year.

Athlete Service Award

To recognise the commitment of athletes to the Little Athletics movement, Little Athletics NSW provides an Athlete Service Award certificate to athletes who have been registered with Little Athletics for at least ten continuous seasons.

It is the responsibility of centres to identify these athletes and submit their names to Little Athletics NSW for the provision of this award.  The athlete does not have to have been registered with the one centre, however, the nominating centre must obtain verification of continuous registration.

Upon receipt of a nomination, a certificate is prepared and forwarded to the centre for presentation to the athlete. Centres should ensure that nominations are received by Little Athletics NSW at least 2 weeks prior to their presentation day.