The 2019 LANSW (Little Athletics NSW) Annual Conference was held at Penrith Panthers on the weekend, with multiple guest speakers sharing their stories and thought-provoking ideas in preparation for the 2019/20 season.
Combining with the LANSW Annual General Meeting and Awards Dinner, the Conference proved to be an inspiring and productive event for all involved, including centres, zone coordinators, life members, directors and staff.
Keynote speakers included rugby league legend Mark Geyer, athletics coach John Quinn, social researcher Claire Madden, employment lawyer Fay Calderone and Athletics Australia CEO Darren Gocher.
At the Annual General Meeting, the result of the election of directors to the LANSW board was announced, with Craig Scott, Glen Taylor and Tim Jessup returned for a further term and Melissa Chandler welcomed as a new director. Retiring directors, Peter Barnes and Russell Briggs were acknowledged and thanked for their extensive contribution over many years of service on the LANSW board (14 years and 7 years respectively).
The Awards Dinner was an opportunity to acknowledge the individuals and centres who have made a significant contribution to Little Athletics in NSW over the last twelve months.
The following centres were awarded Centre Volunteer Administration Awards:
Bronze – Eschol Park, Girraween, Kooringal-Wagga, Liverpool City, Manly Warringah, Westlakes
Silver – Blacktown, Cherrybrook, Northern Suburbs, Prestons Robins
Gold/Winner – Holroyd
Western Blues LAC received the Centre Registration Increase Award for their 53% increase in registrations from the 2017/18 season.
Wauchope LAC were also rewarded for a high retention rate resulting in successful registration numbers in the 2018/19 season and received the Centre Registration Retention Award.
Gordon T Costello from the South West Metropolitan Zone was announced Zone Coordinator of the Year.
The Volunteer Recognition Award was presented to the members of the Trans Tasman Committee for their long-term service to this international exchange, which will conclude in 2020.
Recognised for their volunteer contribution as a past and/or present member of the Trans Tasman Committee were Marian Bennett, Ron Budd, Tracy Lennon, Maria McConville, Heather Mitchell, Colin Muir, Sally Richardson, Sue Stafa, Chris Watt and Claire Yeo.
Finally, Merit Awards were presented to four individuals who had given long and highly meritorious service to Little Athletics NSW – congratulations to Matt Andrews, Russell Briggs, Ronald Pollett and Sally Richardson.
Little Athletics NSW would like to thank Penrith City Council for their support, hospitality and assistance with this highly-successful weekend.