LANSW and Lifestart Disability Services partner to enable more children to reap the rewards of Little Athletics
The LANSW Community welcomes Lifestart Disability Services on a three-year partnership with the goal of enabling more children with disability to be involved with Little Athletics across the State.
The disability support and service provider has over 20years experience in the sector, providing quality services to people living with disability, their families and carers. Centred, around the individual, Lifestart places the person with disability at the forefront of all decisions to ensure that they are best placed in achieving their goals, while ensuring that they are empowered to participate meaningfully and inclusively in the community.
Through this partnership, LANSW and Lifestart will work together through a range of initiatives to enable disabled children and their families to engage with Little Athletics like never before. From formal training and sharing of educational resources with Centres to multi regional “come n try” days, this partnership will break new ground for inclusion across athletics in NSW.
LANSW is inspired by this partnership and look forward to welcoming Lifestart and its families to the Little Athletics Community for at least the next three years.
For more information on Lifestart and the services they provide, please click here or contact on 1900 953 390.